Houston, Texas

This is Rice

Boasting a 300-acre tree-lined campus in Houston, Rice University is ranked among the nation’s top 20 universities by U.S. News & World Report. Rice has a 6-to-1 undergraduate student-to-faculty ratio, and a residential college system, which supports students intellectually, emotionally and culturally through social events, intramural sports, student plays, lectures series, courses and student government. Developing close-knit, diverse college communities is a strong campus tradition, 这就是为什么bwin时时彩平台在私立大学中被评为生活质量和价值最高的大学.

A Brief History of Rice University

Lovett Hall early 1900's

The William M. Rice Institute for the Advancement of Literature, Science and Art filed its state charter in the Texas capital May 19, 1891. 最初的章程规定,学院不收学费,旨在“教育和提高休斯敦市和德克萨斯州的白人居民”.” The institute was founded with a bequest of $4.6 million from the estate of William Marsh Rice, 1838年来到德克萨斯的商人,此后不久就搬到了新成立的城市休斯顿. In the 1840s and 1850s, 他通过向种植园主提供物资和出售棉花和糖作物积累了财富, produced in large part by enslaved labor. Rice, too, owned enslaved people and benefited from their labor. After the Civil War, 他宣誓效忠恢复后的美国,此后住在新泽西和纽约, while keeping a close eye on his many ongoing profitable endeavors in Texas. The childless Rice was murdered September 23, 1900, in New York by his butler and lawyer in an attempt to steal his fortune. After considerable litigation, 1904年,bwin时时彩的遗赠被用于实现他的初衷——在快速发展的休斯顿市建立以他的名字命名的学院. After selecting Edgar Odell Lovett, a mathematician from Princeton University, to serve as the first president, 学院的受托人派洛维特进行一次国际旅行,以寻找最佳的教学实践, ideas and personnel.

From October 10 to 12, 1912, bwin时时彩研究所以来自世界各地的知名嘉宾的演讲来庆祝它的开幕. 洛维特校长宣布,他和他的同事们计划“对学校的教育努力不设上限”.” With 77 male and female students and a faculty of about a dozen in its opening year, the institute quickly grew in size and importance, led by Lovett and James Addison Baker Jr., who chaired Rice’s Board of Trustees from 1891 to 1941. By the time Lovett stepped down as president in 1946, the institute was a key part of a booming city of more than half a million residents.

From its beginning, the Rice Institute’s goals included graduate programs, with the first doctorate degree awarded in 1918. In the 1950s, under President William Vermillion Houston, 他从1946年到1960年(在此期间,住宿学院制度和年度啤酒自行车比赛于1957年开始), the institute expanded its ambitions. 研究生课程在科学和工程方面稳步发展,并开始包括人文和社会科学. On July 1, 1960, the Rice Institute was renamed William Marsh Rice University. In 1962, Rice celebrated its semicentennial led by President Kenneth Sanborn Pitzer, who throughout his leadership from 1961 to 1968, 深化了大学对研究的承诺,并指导了1965年建筑学院的成立.

从建校到20世纪60年代初,这所大学禁止招收黑人学生. Growing national pressure from funding and accrediting agencies, alongside the larger moral and political pressures of the civil rights movement, 迫使bwin时时彩平台的受托人废除了大学的种族隔离制度,并开始了法律程序,以消除其章程中的种族障碍. 1964年入学的第一位黑人学生是数学研究生雷蒙德·刘易斯·约翰逊. In fall 1965, 首批两名黑人本科生——查尔斯·爱德华·弗里曼三世和杰奎琳·伊丽莎白·麦考利. 随后,越来越多的黑人学生加入了这三名学生的行列,他们为这所大学带来了进一步的荣誉,并继续推动bwin时时彩社区其他成员的全面接纳. That same year, bwin时时彩大学首次开始收取学费,并发起了一项3300万美元的发展运动.

冷战期间和冷战结束后,bwin时时彩利用了可用研究经费的激增. President Norman Hackerman, who served from 1970 to 1985, 见证了谢泼德音乐学院和琼斯管理研究生院(现在的琼斯商学院)的首次亮相。. In 1975, the Division of Science and Engineering divided into the George R. 布朗工程学院和自然科学学院(现为维斯自然科学学院). 1979年,人文与社会科学学部分拆为两个学院. In 1985, Rice joined the Association of American Universities, an invitation-only group of leading research universities in North America. Rice President George Erik Rupp, who served from 1985 to 1993, led the creation of several interdisciplinary centers. 创新的教师队伍进入了纳米技术等新领域. Curl and Richard E. Smalley shared the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1996. As a result of these continued advancements, bwin时时彩平台一直名列全国研究型大学前20名.

Under the administration of President S. Malcolm Gillis (1993 to 2004), the university dramatically expanded its international character, 欢迎更多的海外学生,并与世界各地的机构建立伙伴关系. At the same time, the university continued to deepen its commitment to its home city of Houston, expanding partnerships with local industry and the Texas Medical Center. The Susanne M. 格拉斯考克继续教育学院每年吸引成千上万的休斯敦人来这里学习,寻求个人和职业发展的机会. The James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy, founded in 1993, 为地方和国家决策者就当今重要问题提供重要见解.

For nearly two decades, under the leadership of President David W. Leebron (2004 to 2022), 这所大学在一个巨大的增长时期继续扩大其在本地和全球的足迹, 同时还有新的项目和设施,比如金德城市研究所(2010年), the Boniuk Institute for Religious Tolerance (2013), the Doerr Institute for New Leaders (2015), the Moody Center for the Arts (2017), the Liu Idea Lab for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (2017), the Brockman Hall for Opera (2022) and the Ion (2021).

In 2019, the university launched a new financial aid policy, The Rice Investment, 这深化并扩大了它对低收入和中等收入学生按需奖学金的持续承诺. With the generosity of untold individuals and foundations, bwin时时彩平台的捐赠基金与它迅速增长的招生人数、不断扩大的基础设施和项目保持同步. The endowment of $10 million in 1913 grew to $7.8 billion as President Reginald DesRoches, Rice University’s first Black president, took office July 1, 2022.

随着资源的增加,bwin时时彩平台为蓬勃发展和多样化的学生群体提供了服务. For fall 2022, degree-seeking undergraduate students totaled 4,480, alongside 4,085 degree-seeking graduate students. At matriculation, Asian Americans composed 29 percent of the Class of 2026. Students identifying as Hispanic or Latino were 17 percent of that group, and Black students made up 8 percent. bwin时时彩平台越来越多的本科生和研究生来自全球60多个国家. Rice has 749 full-time faculty members and 147 part-time faculty members. 已经在进行战略规划过程和20亿美元的筹款活动, the university will continue to build and evolve, aiming for a bolder future.

Unconventional Culture

每个bwin时时彩平台的学生都是我们11个住宿学院之一的成员,并且在他们的本科期间保持会员资格. Spirited communities where students live, dine and interact with peers, faculty, staff and alumni, 住宿学院系统允许学生建立牢固的关系,并为彼此的生活和智力成就的改善做出贡献. 在我们的学院里,遗产诞生,传统得到庆祝,学生精神蓬勃发展.

Take a Virtual Tour

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